Pakistan has rejected all the baseless allegations made by Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj in her statement at U.N. General Assembly. In a statement Foreign Office spokesperson said Sushma Swaraj’s statement is a litany of falsehoods about Pakistan and a travesty of facts and history. It only reflects the deceit and hostility of her government towards Pakistan. It said these allegations are designed principally to deflect global attention from the brutalities being perpetrated by India’s over half a million occupation force against innocent and unarmed Kashmiri children, women and men in Occupied Kashmir. The statement said Pakistan demands a full and impartial investigation of these Indian atrocities and massive human rights violations in Kashmir. It said Pakistan asked that India accept the investigation proposed by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and allow them access for the purpose. It said Jammu and Kashmir never was and can never be an integral part of India. It is a disputed territory, the final status of which has yet to be determined in accordance with several resolutions of the UN Security Council. The right of the Kashmiri people to self-determination has been recognized and promised to them by the UN Security Council and by India and Pakistan. For 70 years, India has prevented the Kashmiris, through force and fraud, from exercising this right and holding the UN supervised plebiscite to enable the Kashmiris to determine their political destiny. The statement said struggle of the Kashmiri people for self-determination is a legitimate struggle. And, they have the right to receive moral and political support from the international community.