Punjabi and Abuses language is not allowed in Beacon House

A time when countries are trying to overcome their national differences like language and culture. We are lagging far behind from the other world. Language issue continues to disturb our national fabric time and again.


The roots of the formation of Bangladesh were watered by the language strife. We have not come up to the solution yet. Other countries like the United States are promoting their regional languages to please their native speakers. Things went ad to worse when a School notification regarding Punjabi language went viral.


A notification issued by the Beacon House School System Sahiwal campus went viral and stunned the sensitive mind. The usage of foul language was discouraged in the notification. The poor entire Punjabi language fell into the Foul language category as well.


The Punjabi language dominated Sahiwal has surpassed the linguistically diverse city like Lahore in promoting the English language. The notification issued stressed on the banning of abuse, Punjabi and hate speech.


The Punjabi honoured with being the part of the great Indo-European language family, English language is also the part of this huge family. It is also the religious language of the Sikhs and the state language of the Indian Punjab.


The notification faced harsh criticism from the social media. Mushtaq Sufi, the Punjabi thinker and member of Punjabi Literary Board showed his concern over the incident and has also decided to raise the incident to the masses.

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