India Refuses To Attend Saarc Summit

Pakistan has expressed regret on Indian Announcement that it will not attend the 19th SAARC Summit being held in Islamabad in November. Islamabad has termed the refusal as unfortunate. Foreign Office Spokesperson Nafees Zakria said refusal came on a tweet posted by the Spokesperson of the Indian External Affairs stating the refusal to attend 19th SAARC Summit. Foreign Office said so far no official communication has been received from India in this regard. In the context of the New Delhi’s excuse foreign office Spokesperson said the whole world knows that India has been perpetrating and Financing Terrorism in Pakistan. Spokesperson said India has violated international Law and UN Charter by interfering in Internal Affairs of Pakistan. He said Kulbhushan Yadav’s Confession is a living proof besides many other evidences. However, the spokeSperson said Pakistan remains committed to peace and regional cooperation.

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