Azadi Train To Leaves Rawalpindi For Lahore.

Azadi train departed for Lahore today after its two-day stay at Rawalpindi railway station. Picture galleries containing information about ideology of Pakistan, life of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and sacrifices made for Pakistan installed at Azadi train are being greatly appreciated by visitors. Thousands of people from Rawalpindi and Islamabad visited Azadi train. Meanwhile, Speaker Azad Kashmir Assembly, Shah Ghulam Qadir visited Azad train at Rawalpindi railway station. On the occasion, he said such activities will promote unity among people across the country. Children of Pakistan sweet home led by Zamurd Khan also visited Azadi train. The children took round of all the galleries and cultural floats set up in different coaches of the Azadi train. They later presented national songs and paid tribute to the national heroes.

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