8th Meeting Of SAARC Finance Ministers

SAARC member states have pledged greater economic integration for a prosperous, stronger and developed south Asia. The finance secretaries of SAARC met for 2-day Finance Ministers conference in Islamabad. On the inaugural day of the conference, Finance Secretaries of the member states discussed current status of economic and financial cooperation in the region. Pakistan delegation reiterated to play its proactive role to make the organization more vibrant and responsive to the needs of the people. Member states also agreed on the need to transform SAARC into a major trading block by increasing the volume of intra-regional trade. Participants also urged greater regional cooperation to overcome poverty and promote economic growth. The Finance Secretaries also finalized recommendations for Finance Ministers’ meeting to be held tomorrow. During tomorrow’s deliberations, the members states will review different activities being carried out in the region under SAARC Mechanism, including customs cooperation, avoidance of double taxation, promotion and protection of investment, cooperation in banking sector, and trade liberalization.

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