Drunken officer in Lahore, celebrating 14th August

A drunk on duty traffic warden in Lahore footage has gone viral. It is showed that warden is Drunk and unable to move. His partners are helping him to get on motor cycle to flee.
Drunken officer friends are requesting people not to shoot the video. It is reported that Drunk officer had brawled with local shop keeper on mall road Lahore. He was abusing them for not serving him properly.
After brawl and beaten by local shop keeper he called his friends to come and help him out. After which they came and took him away. Drunken officer friend apologized with people and took him away.
As seen in video before getting on bike he says “It is Independence Day, sorry, let’s celebrate.”

Footage has caused stir on social media as people are calling Government to take action against officer in footage.
The victims and accused are still not been officially identified, but witnesses told that three are from Lahore.

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